Jean-Luc Nancy, one of the most important philosophers of our time, passed away in the middle of last summer. Nancy’s work was a constant source of inspiration for Boyan Manchev in the last quarter of a century, as much as the uninterrupted friendly dialogue between the two philosophers.
The selected bibliography presented here includes texts and lectures by Boyan Manchev, directly dedicated to the work of Jean-Luc Nancy, as well as joint publications.
Apart from them, Jean-Luc Nancy and Boyan Manchev participated together in dozens of projects, forums, editorial boards, book collections and magazines’ issues, some of which they co-initiated (in the first place the editorial board of the Revue Lignes, the publishing house La Phocide, the project Persistance of Work and its eponymous two-volume book published by Tomás Maia with the participation of Nancy, Manchev and Federico Ferrari, The Parliament of Philosophers in Strasbourg where Nancy and Manchev collaborated regularly in the previous decade, Metheor’s project Ex corpore, the project Philosopher au présent, initiated by Jérôme Lèbre etc.)
In the weeks to come, some of the texts included in the selected bibliography will be presented or published on the site. A few publications are already available:
This selected bibliography marks the beginning of a new section on Boyan Manchev’s website: “Focus”. Every month this new section will propose a focus on different aspects of Manchev’s activity. January’s focus is related to the first two major international conferences in memory of Jean-Luc Nancy (see below), as well as to a series of forthcoming publications.
1. L’étoile du philosophe, in Tu as quatre fois vingt ans, comme disait l’autre, Textes et images rassemblés par Benoît Goetz, Jérôme Lèbre et François Warin. Edition in 1 copy on the occasion of the 80th anniversary of Jean-Luc Nancy.
2. L’autre origine de l’art. La poiésis ontogonique et le nouvel enchantement du monde, in Boyan Manchev, Jean-Luc Nancy, Federico Ferrari, Tomás Maia et al. PERSISTÊNCIA DA OBRA / PERSISTANCE DE L’ŒUVRE [Persistance of Work], bilingual edition in Portuguese and French, Documenta, Lisbon, 2021, Volume II: ARTE E RELIGIÃO / ART ET RELIGION [Art and Religion], 368 p.
3. La persistance des formes. Pour une nouvelle politique aisthétique, В: Boyan Manchev, Jean-Luc Nancy, Federico Ferrari, Tomás Maia et al. PERSISTÊNCIA DA OBRA / PERSISTANCE DE L’ŒUVRE [Persistance of Work], bilingual edition in Portuguese and French, Documenta, Lisbon, 2021, Volume I: ARTE E POLÍTICA / ART ET POLITIQUE [Art and Politics], 280 p.
4. 世界の欲望 ──ジャン=リュック・ナンシーと存在論的エロス (Boyan Manchev, Le désir du monde), in The journal of Social Sciences and Humanities (Jimbun Gakuho), No. 513-15 March 2017 (Numéro Spécial : Pulsations philosophiques chez Jean-Luc Nancy (éds. par Y. Nishiyama et R. Kakinami).
5. 変容、世界 ──ジャン=リュック・ナンシー& ボヤン・マンチェフ (Jean-Luc Nancy & Boyan Manchev, La métamorphose, le monde), in The journal of Social Sciences and Humanities (Jimbun Gakuho), No. 513-15 March 2017 (Numéro Spécial : Pulsations philosophiques chez Jean-Luc Nancy(éds. par Y. Nishiyama et R. Kakinami).
6. Le désir du monde. Jean-Luc Nancy et l’Éros ontologique, in Cahiers philosophiques de Strasbourg, dir. par Jacob Rogozinski et Jérôme Lèbre, Octobre 2017.
7. Maurice Blanchot et la politique de l’impossible, in Lignes n°43: Politiques de Maurice Blanchot. 1930-1993, dir. par Michel Surya, mars 2014.
8. The Metamorhosis, The World, in Literary newspaper, June 2014, XXIII, бр. 23. [Метаморфозата, светът, В: „Литературен вестник“, юни 2014, год. XXIII, бр. 23.]
9. Un corps “levé” : crucifixion, résurrection et altération de l’image, in Revue des sciences religieuses, Strasbourg, n° 4, Octobre 2014.
10. Оntology of Creation, in Re-treating Religion. Deconstructing Christianity with Jean-Luc Nancy, ed. by Alena Alexandrova, Laurens ten Kate еt al., Fordham University Press, 2012.
11. La matière du monde et l’aisthesis du commun, in Figures du dehors. Autour de Jean-Luc Nancy, ed. Cécile Defaut, Paris, 2012.
12. La persistance des formes, in Tomas Maia, Boyan Manchev, Jean-Luc Nancy, Federico Ferrari, Silvina Lopes, Persistência da Obra I: Arte e Política, Assírio & Alvim, Lisboa, 2011.
13. La métamorphose, le monde. Entretien de Boyan Manchev et Jean-Luc Nancy, in Rue Descartes 64 : La Métamorphose (sous la dir. de Boyan Manchev), Paris, 2009.
14. Communauté et ontologie modale, in Cahiers philosophiques de Strasbourg, I, 2009.
15. La métamorphose de la communauté. Vers une ontologie modale, in Boyan Manchev, La métamorphose et l’instant. Désorganisation de la vie, Paris/Strasbourg, Les Éditions de la Phocide, 2009.
16. Jean-Luc Nancy, la déconstruction du christianisme, Critique, 718, March 2007.
17. The Body and its “Corpus” in The Body-Metamorhosis, Sofia, Altera, 2007. [Тялото и неговият “Corpus”, В: Тялото-метаморфоза, София, „Алтера“, 2007.]
18. Body and Finitude and The Body-Community, Part Three and Four in The Body-Metamorhosis, Sofia, Altera, 2007. [Тялото и крайността и Тялото-общност, трета и четвърта част от книгата Тялото-метаморфоза, София, „Алтера“, 2007.]
19. The Body and its “Corpus” [Тялото и неговият “Corpus”], Introduction to Jean-Luc Nancy, Corpus, Sofia, LIK, 2003. [Тялото и неговият “Corpus”, Предговор към Corpus на Жан-Люк Нанси, София, ЛИК, 2003.]
20. Debate on “Donner corps à la mort” (with Jacques Derrida, Jean-Luc Nancy and Dimitar Zashev), in The Voice of Derrida. Sofia dialogues. Ed. by Ivaylo Znepolski. Sofia: Maison des Sciences de l’Homme, 2004. / Транскрипция на участието в дебатите на конференцията “Чудовищният дискурс. Около Жак Дерида”, В: “Гласът на Жак Дерида”, “Дом на науките за човека”, София, 2003.
21. Jean-Luc Nancy, in Democratic Review, 48, 2001-2002. [Жан-Люк Нанси, В: „Демократически преглед“, 48, 2001-2002.]
Jean-Luc Nancy, Corpus, LIK, Sofia, 2003. [Жан-Люк Нанси, Corpus, ЛИК, София, 2003.]
Jean-Luc Nancy, „Néoviralisme“, in: Metheorzine, 2020. [Жан-Люк Нанси, „Нео-вирализъм“, В: Метеорзин, 2020.]
Jean-Luc Nancy, „Pour libérer la liberté“, in: Metheorzine, 2020. [Жан-Люк Нанси, „Да освободим свободата“, В: Метеорзин, 2020.]
1. L’insurrection de la pensée, ou Le surgissement de la voix, Jean-Luc Nancy, lecture at the symposium Jean-Luc Nancy : Anastasis de la pensée / Jean-Luc Nancy: Anastasis of Thinking, Centre Pompidou, ENS, online, 22-24 January 2022.
2. The Insurrection of Thought, Jean-Luc Nancy, lecture at the symposium in memory of Jean-Luc Nancy, LCCP Symposium “Sharing finitude – in memoriam Jean-Luc Nancy”, Leiden University Centre for Continental Philosophy (LCCP), the University of Amsterdam’s Critical Cultural Theory Seminar (CCT) and Knooppunt Fenomenologie Gent, 11-12 January 2022 [the symposium took place online].
3. Premiere of the book PERSISTÊNCIA DA OBRA / PERSISTANCE DE L’ŒUVRE [Persistance of Work], Volume I: ARTE E POLÍTICA / ART ET POLITIQUE [Art and Politics] and Volume II: ARTE E RELIGIÃO / ART ET RELIGION [Art and Religion] with authors Boyan Manchev, Jean-Luc Nancy, Federico Ferrari, Tomás Maia – Premiere of the book with the participation of Boyan Manchev, Federico Ferrari, Jean-Luc Nancy, as well as contributions by representatives of the two research centres, respectively CITER and CIEBA, Professor Luisa Almendra and Professor Joao Paulo Queiroz. The session was moderated by Catarina Reis on January 15, 2021.
4. Le retour de Pan, ou panique et philosophie, in Philosopher au présent, Une chaîne proposée et coordonnée par Jérôme Lèbre, 2020.
5. L’autre origine de l’art. La métamorphose divine et les proto-techniques aïsthétiques, Lecture at the congress Persistência da obra II : Arte e religião, Auditório Lagoa Henriques Faculdade de Belas-Artes da ULisboa, 11.05.2019.
6. A partir de «Persistência da imagem», Lecture at the congress Persistência da obra II : Arte e religião, Sala de Expansão Missionária Piso 1 do edifício da Biblioteca Universitária João Paulo II, Universidade Católica Portuguesa (Lisboa), 10.05.2019.
7. Le désir du monde. Jean-Luc Nancy et l’Éros ontologique,Lecture at the congressMutations, organised par Jacob Rogozinski et Jérôme Lèbre, Strasbourg 2016.
8. Exnihilist Ontology vs. Modal Ontology, lecture at the forum Re-Treating religion with Jean-Luc Nancy, University of Strasbourg, February 2012.
9. La condition suresthétique, Lecture at the congress Art et Politique, Université de Lisbonne, 2010.
10. The One: Construction or Event? Towards a Politics of the Becoming, lecture at the congress Politics of the One, European University, St. Petersburg, 2010.
11. Que veut dire “ontologie du corps”? La métamorphose du monde, conference paper at the congress Figures du dehors – autour de Jean-Luc Nancy, Paris, CIPh – Université Paris IV Sorbonne, janvier 2009.
12. Ethique du refus, Lecture at Parlement des philosophes, Strasbourg, octobre 2009.
13. Le dernnier romantique ou de l’anarchie idéale, Lecture at the congress Philippe Lacoue-Labarthe, Parlement des philosophes, le Collège international de philosophie et l’Université de Strasbourg, octobre 2009.
14. La liberté sauvage. Pour une politique animale, presented at the congress L’animalité, Strasbourg, Université Marc Bloch and Parlement des Philosophes, 2007.
15. La Métamorphose. Communauté et ontologie modale, présentée au colloque La communauté, Strasbourg, Université Marc Bloch III et Parlement des Philosophes, 2006.
16. Samedi du livre autour de La Déclosion de Jean-Luc Nancy, avec la participation de Jean-Luc Nancy, Boyan Manchev et Federico Ferrari, sous la responsabilité de Boyan Manchev, Collège international de philosophie, 2006.
17. Donner corps à la mort, presented at the international conference around Jacques Derrida Le discours monstrueux. Les Balkans et l’Europe : déconstructions du politique [“Чудовищният дискурс. Балканите и Европа: деконструкции на политиката”], organized by « Maison des Sciences de l’Homme », Sofia and Goethe-Institut, Sofia, 2001.